
我们的商业惯例, products and services help bring 繁荣 以及对世界各地社区的经济价值.


我们坚定不移地致力于诚信经营, 诚实, quality and mutual respect to provide economic value and sustain 繁荣 for our employees, 客户, 合作伙伴和我们工作的社区. 我们投资于我们周围看到的潜力, 并努力使之成为现实, 改善生活质量的长期差异.



我们明白我们做生意的方式, conduct ourselves and approach procedures collectively uphold the integrity of the J.R. Simplot公司及其员工. 在我们的全球组织中, we continually work to integrate integrity into all aspects of our business.


Simplot行为准则 serves as a guide to help all of our employees operate with the highest level of 诚实 和完整性. This includes aspiring to a high standard of corporate governance, compliance with all applicable laws and regulations and a commitment to business ethics throughout our global operations.



We comply with all laws and regulations in the communities and countries where we do business – including fair trade laws, 环境协议和进出口条例. 同样的, 我们对合作伙伴的期望不会降低, 需要对商业道德同样坚定不移的奉献, 值, 和完整性.




对我们来说,繁荣不仅仅意味着盈利. 我们关注的是我们的员工在这个领域的繁荣, partners on the farm and the agricultural communities 世界各地 that contribute to feeding a growing population. 我们为你们所有人庆祝,并与你们一起努力.

Understand the Intersection of Climate and Economy in Idaho

J.R. Simplot公司是the 爱达荷州气候经济影响评估, a research project to study the economic impacts of climate change on agriculture, 范围及土地用途, 森林, 基础设施, 以及爱达荷州经济的其他重要方面. 我们的 headquarters office – and much of our company-owned farms and ranches – are nestled in Idaho. 通过了解这些对爱达荷州的影响, we can better help our growers and producers meet emerging economic challenges and capitalize on opportunities across our business footprint, 世界各地.


Simplot is the technology partner in a grant from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to provide blight resistant potatoes to Indonesia and Bangladesh. 作为拨款的一部分, Simplot has developed both the Granola and Diamant varieties of potatoes using genes found in wild varieties of potatoes 世界各地 that have late-blight disease resistance. 两国目前都在计划进行有限的实地试验. Since the bioengineered potatoes contain three separate blight-resistance genes, they are considered to offer the most robust protection of any potatoes available in the world to late blight disease, a fungus-like pathogen that leads to an estimated $6 billion in crop losses each year.



食物 insecurity happens in many communities 世界各地. 在澳大利亚,超过六分之一的成年人和1.每年有200万儿童挨饿. Working with 食物bank Australia and its Collaborative Supply 箴gram since 2011, Simplot已经捐赠了超过2个.500万单位的产品,以帮助战胜饥饿.



We care deeply about the health and safety of our employees, partners and communities.


We are committed to protecting our environment through the responsible management of its natural resources. 
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